Real Stories: Veneers
Shane E.
Minimal Preparation Veneers
Just by looking through Shane's Facebook pages, you will see for yourself how an improved smile can change a person's life. This handsome High School senior is captain of his football team, popular with his peers and academically successful yet in each photo he is not smiling, or at least not broadly enough to reveal his teeth. Shane's parents said they never realized he was hiding his teeth and was self-conscious of them for all those years. They only realized it when all of a sudden their son began smiling, and it is so evident in his Facebook photo gallery… Suddenly there appears a new person, smiling for the camera!

Tom B.
Tom's smile transformation with tooth whitening and veneers is a great example of appearance enhancement dentistry for men. Tom is a strikingly handsome man with a high powered career that has him often in the public eye. Tom's wife was also a patient of mine but he claims it was his administrative assistant who told him to get his teeth fixed. His photos for the corporate brochure were requiring Photoshop retouching to correct his smile and she thought he should have them fixed.

Single Front Tooth Veneer
Allison had trauma to her front tooth as a child that caused it to darken and calcify over time. Healthy in every other way, her smile had one tooth detracting from her appearance. Being holistic and health conscious, Allison hesitated to have a procedure done just for vanity, but finally decided that her smile was really being affected by this tooth. A month before her brother’s wedding she came in asking for help. One of the most difficult things in dentistry is to match a single front tooth. Studies have shown that the human brain subconsciously evaluates faces for symmetry or sameness, and can observe even small differences when the teeth, or the eyes, or the ears of a person are slightly mismatched. The shape, shade, translucency, white marks, and surface texture all have to be perfect. Allison loved the way she looked in the wedding photos!
Bill B.
Leave it to a family member to tell you when you don’t look your best. Bill’s older sisters saw him at a family gathering and told him it was time to fix his front teeth. His front teeth had composite fillings that were chipping, thinning, and staining over time, detracting from his handsome appearance. Conservative by nature, Bill had hesitated to fix his teeth due to vanity…. but his sisters are always right! We whitened his teeth and placed two veneers and his teeth look great and Bill and his family love his smile!
B. Levine
Dr. Smith and her team did an amazing job! I never thought my teeth could look as good as they do now and I am constantly getting compliments. I couldn’t be happier!
B. is beautiful woman who was not happy with her front teeth. Having had bonding in the past, B. felt the color and texture of plastic was not life like enough and unfortunately they chip and discolor over time. She also was afraid they were not strong enough, and worried that she may break the plastic or damage them by flossing. For a few years we discussed the options with B., and she went back and forth hesitant to move forward. As you will see in her before pictures, the composites were not terrible, but B. really wanted the perfect smile to match her glamorous appearance. A small chip in the tooth finally convinced B. she was ready to schedule. We whitened her teeth with Britesmile in office whitening and prepared photographs and models for our lab to help plan the case. B. wanted prominent front teeth and we were able to accomplish this with additional length. Two simple appointments and her teeth look terrific! She is now in Invisalign to close the small gaps in the lower teeth.
Leanne liked everything about her teeth except the two small gaps on her side teeth. Most evident in photographs that capture her from the side, when a smile has even small spaces or gaps it can be very noticeable. Veneers are thin shells of ceramic that are bonded to the front face of a tooth and often require a minimal removal of tooth structure. In some cases where orthodontics (braces) are not appropriate, veneers are a conservative solution that gives beautiful, natural looking results. Made of glass like materials and characterized perfectly, even a dental professional could have difficulty identifying which of Leanne’s teeth have veneers. View her before and after photos and see for yourself. Leanne loves her new smile!