Real Stories: Medically Compromised
Dawn Marie
Failed Kidney Transplant

“Dental Health and Wellness Boston exhibited much of the same services as a full scale medical facility or hospital. Dr. Smith's care demonstrated that she went above and beyond her dental services duties."
Treating patients with serious medical conditions can be very challenging and yet most rewarding. Located close to the best hospitals in the world, we will often treat patients with various medical problems requiring special clinical skills and coordination of treatment with their physicians. Unfortunately medications, lowered immune systems and the treatments themselves can cause dental problems to worsen. This story is one from our dearest patient Dawn Marie who inspires us by her positive outlook on life and her constant smile despite her medical challenges.
“My name is Dawn Marie and the following is me testimony to the outstanding service and professionalism provided by Dr. Jill Smith at Dental Health and Wellness Boston.
I began my visits in 2005. I was delighted with the care and concern I was given due to me extensive medical history. In 2007 my medical condition was severely in the decline and weakened due to a failed kidney transplant. My immune system was extremely compromised, yet I remained a patient of Dr. Smith. She met the challenges of my medical condition by increasing her care for me each visit. She participated in conference calls and wrote several letters to the many physicians involved in my day to day care. She was on top of my pre-medication procedures. Before each dental visit I received an injection to help the coagulation of my blood. In addition I had to take my pre-medication antibiotics prior to each visit. She made sure that I completed both these tasks. She also collaborated with a dental surgeon to ensure a safe and positive outcome for my dental care.
“Each step she took with my care exemplified the fact the she provided more than just dental services. She exhibited much of the same services as a full scale medical facility or hospital. Her care demonstrated that she went above and beyond her dental services duties. She promoted a wellness atmosphere for her clients and the office as a whole”
Dawn Marie