“WOW White” Teeth with
KöR Whitening Deep Bleaching™
The first patient we tried this product on had such great results that the staff couldn't help by say “WOW” so from that day forward, we have referred to the KöR whitening process as “WOW White” in my office! If you are looking for exceptional tooth whitening results, Dental Health and Wellness Boston offers a new teeth whitening method called KöR Whitening Deep Bleaching™ that will get your teeth whiter than ever before.
KöR “WOW White" Teeth Bleaching in Boston
As one of the first dentists in Boston offering KöR Whitening Deep Bleaching™, Dr. Jill Smith is thrilled to bring this advanced procedure to Dental Health and Wellness Boston patients. Combining in-office visits and the use of at-home whitening trays, “WOW White” can make teeth over sixteen shades whiter. Best of all, with periodic home maintenance, this teeth whitening treatment is permanent!
How “WOW White” Works
By restoring your teeth's ability to absorb oxygen, the KöR whitening gel is absorbed deeply into the tooth, dissolving stain molecules. There are three levels of whitening with this system, Standard, Max and Max Ultra. The process for the standard treatment will begin with your first visit to our dental office, we will make molds of your teeth to create unique, comfortable, custom whitening trays. On your second appointment, you will receive your custom trays, KöR whitening gel and we will carefully explain how to use the trays at home for the following two weeks. KöR whitening trays are easy to wear and since you only need to have them in when you sleep, they won't interfere with your busy day. Plus, the bleach is sealed inside the tray, preventing any gel from leaking into your mouth like other at-home systems. Finally, a third visit to the office includes an hour and a half in-office procedure. To discuss the additional steps for the super whitening of Max and Max Ultra, contact Dental Health and Wellness Boston.
What Are Other Advantages Of This Tooth Whitening System?
Many have experienced pain and tooth sensitivity during teeth whitening, maybe you've even experienced it yourself. After several years of research, development and clinical testing, the inventor of the KöR Whitening Deep Bleaching System introduced a whitening gel that, in most cases, produces low to no sensitivity. As a result, most patients have no discomfort from whitening when using this technique. Testing has shown that patients who do feel some sensitivity using the KöR Whitening Deep Bleaching System typically feel no more than 10% of the sensitivity they'd feel from other whitening gels.
Also, unlike some teeth whitening systems, KöR “WOW White” Teeth Bleaching can whiten even tetracycline-stained teeth and with the home maintenance system, common stain-causing drinks like coffee, tea and red wine will never affect the color of your smile again!
Are You Ready for Your Dream White Smile?
Whiter teeth and less sensitivity…this sounds too good to be true but it's not! If you have tried whitening in the past but were unhappy with the results or have been told tooth whitening might not work for you, this might be the time to consider it again. At a cost of $750, this whitening treatment is certainly worth the investment. Contact Dental Health and Wellness Boston today to set up an initial consultation to discuss if “WOW White” is right for you.