Dental Therapy for TMJ & Migraines
What is TMJ/TMD?
Temporomandibular joint disorders, TMJ/TMD, are inflammations in the jaw commonly caused by regular teeth grinding that result in the swelling of the jaw joint. As this occurs, muscles become displaced and can adversely affect the teeth, gums and bone structures of the mouth if left untreated. People with TMJ/ TMD sometimes experience a clicking or popping sound when opening and closing their mouths. Due to the nerve pressure cause by muscle displacement, TMJ/TMD is often accompanied by frequent headaches, necks aches, and in some cases, tooth sensitivity. Serious conditions resulting from TMJ/TMD include improperly aligned joints, dislocated jaws or even an arthritic condition of the jaw joint.
Migraine Headaches - One of the most common symptoms of TMJ/TMD
TMJ/TMD (temporomandibular joint) problems manifest themselves in a variety of ways. One of the most common symptoms of TMJ/TMD is a headache. The most common type of headache is a tension headache. Many people who suffer from this type of headache describe it as a ring of pain around the head. Others will refer to it as a migraine headache.
TMJ/TMD related headaches are caused by a complex mechanism. Essentially, there is a constant contraction of the muscles in the jaw. This creates a tension or pressure in the face, head and neck. The constant tension in the muscles reduces the amount of blood that is able to reach the area. The body responds by sending more blood to the area, which results in an increase in blood pressure to the muscles of the head, thus a headache.
TMJ/TMD/Migraine Dental Treatment
Some dental treatments for TMJ/TMD and migraine headaches include muscle relaxants, aspirin, biofeedback, or wearing a small plastic appliance in the mouth during sleep. Dr. Smith and her talented team of dental professionals are highly skilled in recommending the best course of action for TMJ/TMD/Migraine treatment to address any pain you may be experiencing.
The NTI Suppression System – A Specialty of Boston Dentist Dr. Budd
One of Dr. Budd’s special interests is helping patients who suffer from TMJ/TMD (jaw joint) disorders and migraine headaches. At Dental Health and Wellness Boston, we can help you deal with TMJ/TMD-related migraines using the NTI Tension Suppression System, a non-surgical, non-drug device approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Tension headache and migraine sufferers often exhibit sore and tender scalp muscles caused by repeated intense contractions during sleep. NTI has proven effective in significantly reducing headache and migraine related episodes.
The NTI device is custom-fitted on the patient’s upper teeth suppressing the muscle contraction intensity. The NTI is small, comfortable, and worn only when sleeping. When used as directed, there is no risk of side effects.